
In the previous tutorials, we introduced the notion of parsers, broke them down into their constituent parts, and very briefly touched upon the idea of mixing and matching parsers to form more interesting combinations.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have several parsing ideas that you would like to explore, you may find it helpful to create an experimental harness. A harness can be useful for

  1. [reliability, convenience] bundling all the evaluation steps into a single easy-to-remember command (this eliminates the risk of omitting a crucial step)
  2. [convenience] consistently generating an detailed report including confusion matrices, discriminating features, some visual samples of the output
  3. [performance] caching shareable results to save evaluation time (both horizontally, for example, across parsers that can share models, and vertically, perhaps across different versions of a decoder but using the same model)
  4. [performance] managing concurrency and distributed evaluation, which may be attractive if you have access to a compute cluster

The attelo.harness provides a basic framework for defining such harnesses. You would need to implement the Harness class, specifying

  • the data to read
  • a list of parsers to run (wrapped in attelo.harness.config.EvaluationConfig)
  • some functions for assigning filenames to intermediary results
  • and a variety of reporting options (for example, which evaluations you would like to generate extra reports on)

Have a look at the example harness to get started, and perhaps also the irit-rst-dt to see how this might be used in a real experimental setting.


Attelo’s caching mechanism uses the cache keyword argument in attelo.parser.Parser.fit (cache is an attelo-ism, and is not standard to the scikit estimator/transformer idiom). The idea is for parsers to accept a dictionary from simple cache keywords (eg. ‘attach’) to paths. Parsers could interact with the cache in different ways. In the simplest case, they might look for a particular keyword to determine if there is a cache entry that it could load (or should save to). Alternatively, if multiple parsers are composed of parsers that they have in commone, they can avoid repeating work on their constituent parts by simply passing their cache dictionaries down (NB: it is up to parser authors to ensure that cache keys do not conflict; parsers should document their cache keys in the API)

The attelo.harness.Harness.model_paths function implemented by your harness should return exactly such a dictionary, as we might see in the example below

def model_paths(self, rconf, fold):
    if fold is None:
        parent_dir = self.combined_dir_path()
        parent_dir = self.fold_dir_path(fold)

    def _eval_model_path(mtype):
        "Model for a given loop/eval config and fold"
        bname = self._model_basename(rconf, mtype, 'model')
        return fp.join(parent_dir, bname)

    return {'attach': _eval_model_path("attach"),
            'label': _eval_model_path("label")}

Cluster mode: parallel and distributed

The attelo harness provides some crude support on a cluster:

  • decoding is split into one decoding job per document/grouping; as each parser is learned [fit] (sequentially), the harness adds its decoding jobs [transform] to a pool of jobs in progress.
  • each fold is self-contained, and can be run concurrently. If you are on a cluster with multiple machines reading from a shared filesystem, you can farm the folds out to separate machines (nb: the harness itself does not do this for you, so you would need to write eg. a shell script that does this parceling out of folds, but it can be broken down in a way that facilitates this usage, ie. with “initialise”, “run folds 1 and 2”, “run folds 3 and 4”, … “gather the results” as discrete steps)